
8902 Zier Road, Yakima, WA 98908


Fax: (509) 972-6001


Each year, the school board secretary certifies the budget for the upcoming fiscal year following a public meeting to review the budget as required under Washington State Law. This meeting is typically held in the weeks prior to the upcoming school year.

The budget is prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting. It is then reviewed and adopted by the School Board and establishes the total appropriation expenditures for each fund for the upcoming fiscal year. The Board then executes a resolution requesting the approval of the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the appropriate fund for payments.

The current budget is included below. Check out our Resource Library for archived budgets, accounts and fund balance reports. For more information about OSPI budget reports visit OPSI Apportion, Enrollment and Fiscal Reports.

Capital Project Updates

The community of West Valley approved a bond in 2019 to construct Apple Valley and Summitview elementary schools. Due to favorable bids for the construction as well an expedited construction schedule, there were bond funds and state matching funds remaining in the Capital Projects fund after the construction was completed.

On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, the West Valley Board of Directors approved a resolution which will allow the District to move forward with several capital projects funded by the remaining bond funds and state matching funds.

The vote was the culmination of a year of deliberations, discussion, and community input regarding this issue.

In July 2022, the School Board heard a presentation regarding the process for defeasance which is how remaining funds can be used to decrease property taxes. Community forums were held during the school year to get input from the community. Community members provided a wide variety of comments and suggestions. Some community members said that all of the funds should be used for defeasance. Others said that some of the funds should be used for capital projects and some of the funds should be used for defeasance. Others said that all of the funds should be used for capital projects.

Community members had many suggestions for capital projects that should be considered. As the School Board listened to input and discussed information about priorities, Board members clarified that the focus for the resolution should be student health and safety as well as consideration for future growth (property acquisition).

Community forums were held on the following dates:

  • Tues, October 4, 2022 at the West Valley Fire Station
  • Tues, October 18, 2022 at the Harman Center
  • Mon, March 20, 2023 at the HS Auditorium

The resolution identified the following:

  • make various capital improvements throughout existing schools and facilities
  • acquire land as sites for new and expanded facilities
  • legally defease a portion of the District's outstanding funds

A public hearing on the resolution was held on the following date:

  • Tues, June 20, 2023 at the HS Library

On June 27, 2023, the resolution was approved at the School Board meeting. The vote was 3-2. Board members Mike Meyer, Dave Jaeger, and Mark Strong voted to pass the resolution. Mark Mochel and Michael Thorner voted no. With this vote, the District will move forward with capital projects that were identified in the resolution.

List of capital projects from School Board resolution

Chiller upgrade and boiler upgrade at Cottonwood and Wide Hollow – Current units will be upgraded to provide energy savings with improved performance. This will provide a healthy learning environment for students and staff at each school.

Well upgrade at Mountainview – The upgrade will provide consistency of water source for the school.

Parking Lot Expansion at Mountainview – Parking lot expansion will provide more room for student drop-off before school and student pick-up after school.

Roof repair/replacement/upgrade at Wide Hollow, Cottonwood, and Mountainview – These projects will minimize the potential for leaky water damage to the schools.

Domestic Water Piping Replacement at Junior High – Eroding pipes will be replaced.

Auditorium Storage, Seating, and ADA Upgrades at Junior High – For the safety of students, staff, and community members who perform and attend events at the Junior High auditorium, upgrades will be made to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Gym Bleachers Replacement at Junior High –Due to safety considerations, the bleachers in the junior high gym will be replaced.

Chiller upgrade at Junior High – Upgrades will provide energy savings with improved performance.

Field, Bleachers, Press Box, and Track at High School – Current conditions of the track and field are marginal. Facilities will be upgraded for student safety.

Single Use Restrooms at High School, Junior High, and Middle School – Community input requested a remodel of bathrooms at the schools to provide students with greater privacy.

Property Acquisition – With increased growth in West Valley, the Board of Directors identified property acquisition as a priority. Increase growth results in less property available in the future that can be utilized for District use.

Annual Financial Statements

Long-Range Facilities Planning

West Valley has experienced tremendous growth over the past 30 years. To meet these needs now and into the future, the WVSD School board is working to develop a long-range facilities plan to guide their efforts and create optimal learning environments for our children.

In December 2020, the WVSD School Board determined that they needed a data-driven plan to help them map the future of the district and how they might improve educational facilities.

To learn more about the state of our schools, current bond activities, construction updates, and long-range planning goals, see here.

Long Range Facilities Plan 2020

Facilities meeting presentation - Nov. 19, 2024

Facilities meeting materials and minutes - Jan. 7, 2025

Facilities meeting minutes - March 4, 2025

Audit Reports

Business Office Staff Directory

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ESSR Funds 1


The federal government provided school districts with Emergency Relief funds to assist schools with the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Full Use Breakdown


APR-ESSER II Spending Plan Form 120

APR-ESSER III Spending Plan 20% Form 153

ARP ESSER III Spending Plan 80% Form 159