Congratulations to Avery Anderson, Zach Farina, Kali Glover, Eli Potter, and Jackson Sandell for winning the Stock Market Game Competition
May 24, 2022
Students in the 6th and 7th grade Advanced Project Based Learning (PBL) classes with Mrs. Clark all participated in the statewide Stock Market Game competition. This is a 6 week competition, and teams were given $100,000 virtual money to build a diversified portfolio and invest in the current stock market. They competed against several dozen other teams around the state. The objective was to finish with the highest percent growth above S&P 500. All of the teams finished with with successful positive returns of their respective portfolios. This semester, one of the 6th grade teams placed first in the State, winning each member a prepaid Visa gift card. Congratulations to Avery Anderson, Zach Farina, Kali Glover, Eli Potter, and Jackson Sandell for winning the Stock Market Game Competition.
The strategy from the winning team:
“We researched stock history of some major companies we knew and also found others by using the Trending Tickers and Stock Gainers sections of the Yahoo Finance website. Then we chose to buy stocks that were trending up by looking at the stock’s historical data on the 5 days, 1 month, 6 month graph of the summary page on the Yahoo site. Within a few days, if it didn’t go above the price we bought it for we held on to it. We sold stocks when they were at their peak, or slightly below as long as it still made us a profit.”
Other reflections from the students that participated this year:
“This was really fun and I would like to do it again.”
“I learned how stocks worked, I learned how to manage money when it comes to stocks. I also learned how stocks trend up and what might cause them to.”
“I learned that working in a group can be a lot better than working by yourself, especially in a project like this. I also learned a lot about the stock market such as how important timing is because a lot of stocks go up and down all the time and have a lot of peaks.”
Students in the 6th and 7th grade Advanced Project Based Learning (PBL) classes with Mrs. Clark all participated in the statewide Stock Market Game competition. This is a 6 week competition, and teams were given $100,000 virtual money to build a diversified portfolio and invest in the current stock market. They competed against several dozen other teams around the state. The objective was to finish with the highest percent growth above S&P 500. All of the teams finished with with successful positive returns of their respective portfolios. This semester, one of the 6th grade teams placed first, winning each member a prepaid Visa gift card. Congratulations to Avery Anderson, Zach Farina, Kali Glover, Eli Potter, and Jackson Sandell for winning the Stock Market Game Competition.
The strategy from the winning team:
“We researched stock history of some major companies we knew and also found others by using the Trending Tickers and Stock Gainers sections of the Yahoo Finance website. Then we chose to buy stocks that were trending up by looking at the stock’s historical data on the 5 days, 1 month, 6 month graph of the summary page on the Yahoo site. Within a few days, if it didn’t go above the price we bought it for we held on to it. We sold stocks when they were at their peak, or slightly below as long as it still made us a profit.”
Other reflections from the students that participated this year:
“This was really fun and I would like to do it again.”
“I learned how stocks worked, I learned how to manage money when it comes to stocks. I also learned how stocks trend up and what might cause them to.”
“I learned that working in a group can be a lot better than working by yourself, especially in a project like this. I also learned a lot about the stock market such as how important timing is because a lot of stocks go up and down all the time and have a lot of peaks.”