Earn College Credits and Save Thousands
Jan 31, 2022
College in the High School (CHS) at West Valley High School offers college-level classes through UW, CWU, and EWU. Courses are taught by WV teachers who are also adjunct professors at the university level. By enrolling in CHS classes, students can earn real college credits while paying only a fraction of the tuition cost.
CHS student Lucas Cone shares, “…the College in the High School program has given me many opportunities to learn new subjects at a collegiate level. These courses have not only prepared me for the academic rigor that I’ll experience in college, but they also have given me all-important college credits for a relatively cheap price (and sometimes for free!).”
“Overall, CHS classes have helped me grow as a student and as a young adult. The CWU US History class I took last year, as well as the UW English courses I’ve taken over the past two years, have enhanced my skills as a writer, and my CWU Physics and Environmental Science classes have forced me to be more conscious of the world around me.”
To get a head start on a college degree, talk to a school counselor or visit wvsd208.org/chs for more information.