Financial Algebra 2
Nov 19, 2021
Mrs. Jamie Zeller at WVHS, dubbed JZ Money by her students, is giving her students the skills to be financially literate. Financial Algebra 2 is a College in the High School course that not only helps prepare students for a college workload but also allows them to get a head start toward college graduation at a cheaper cost. For the WV Class of 2011 who continued to community college, 66% of students were required to take remedial math; for the Class of 2018, that number was down to 39%.
Mrs. Zeller is a WV alumna and Financial Fellow for the state of Washington. She has been teaching Financial Algebra 2 since 2008 and has a clear understanding of what students need. The course introduces students to spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk management and insurance, and financial decision-making. Students practice calculating credit card scores and filing taxes from a top-of-the-line educator. What great skills to have!
After graduation, numerous students reached out about how much this course helped them. One student knew everything in his Finance class at Western Washington University thanks to Mrs. Zeller. His peers even thought he was the teaching assistant for the class. Another student thanked her because at 20 years old, they purchased their first home, owned two fully paid-off vehicles, and had a 6-month emergency fund. Financial Algebra 2 helps WVHS students be financially stable.