Senior Spotlight: Chloe Pavey
May 23, 2022
What are you taking with you from your WVHS experience?
I would have to say lot of wisdom and expressions. All through my years I’ve heard so many different things from teachers and students. Whether it be inspirational like Mr. Dolezal’s “Everything is a choice”...to a mnemonic device that helped me memorize a science concept, like “Leo the Lion says Ger” from Mr. Noll. Conversations or sayings just like those I’ll always think about even after I graduate, and it will always feel like I still have a piece of West Valley with me.
What will you miss about WVHS?
Truthfully, I’ll miss the teachers. I’ve really enjoyed my time at West Valley and getting to meet all the different personalities of the teachers I’ve met through my high school career. Teachers here are nothing but supportive and wish the ultimate best for all their students no matter the circumstances, and I really admire that and hope to someday be half as great as the teachers this wonderful school has!
What are your future goals?
For the future I’d love to get my bachelor’s degree and then my master’s in science education. There isn’t a specific science I’d like to teach, so I’m hoping to get different endorsements in different subjects of science! I’d love to come back West Valley to teach here because I love the environment the school has, and I’d love to be apart of this staff one day!
What are you most grateful for about attending WVHS?
The friendships I’ve made. Through my years at West Valley, I’ve met some of the most amazing people. Friendships with students and even teachers here I’ll cherish forever. I’ll never forget the people I’ve met and bonded with over these four years, or the conversations I’ve had with them.