Staff Spotlight - Tiffany Williams - Mid-Level Campus
Jun 4, 2024
Staff Spotlight – Tiffany Williams – Mid-Level Campus
Tiffany Williams has been an integral member of the Mid-Level Campus Ramily for many years. Each year, she guides our leadership students through various opportunities, working to provide a safe, inclusive, and fun Mid-Level experience for all. Ms. Williams plans our assemblies, student socials, and celebrations, and she collaborates with our Parent-Teacher Organization to organize special recognition for our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Most recently, she led our eighth-grade students through the process of running for Freshman Class offices. Ms. Williams meets regularly with our Student Advisory Representatives, ensuring that student voices are incorporated into all our critical decisions. Additionally, she collaborates with the community through food drives, sock drives, and other service-learning projects. Her dedication to staff, students, and life in the “middle” is appreciated by all!
We would like to give a big “THANK YOU” to Tiffany Williams for all that she does to make the West Valley Mid-Level Campus a great place for kids!