Wide Hollow is gaining STEAM!
Oct 21, 2022
After a couple of unique school years, Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary is once again able to increase our focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math) education. Students have returned to the school’s STEAM Lab early and often this school year, and their enthusiasm for STEAM is evident. STEAM activities have ranged from hands-on coding using iPads and Osmos coding kits, owl pellet dissections with digital microscopes, Ozobot robotics coding, and coding drones!
Wide Hollow’s goal for STEAM is to connect Washington State Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Math to STEAM activities. The owl pellet dissection and Ozobot story re-tell activities were connected to the book Poppy the students were reading in class. Our Osmos kits have hands-on coding activities with manipulatives, but also hands-on programs for early learning skills of building letters, practicing phonics, and number formation, sequencing, and counting. Osmos uses a special camera developed for iPads that can read the building space where students are using manipulatives and then provide an audiovisual representation for the students.
Ozobots are small but powerful robots. Students can program the robots by drawing lines and color-coded sequences (algorithms) and the Ozobot follows the line and reads codes to make the robot speed up, slow down, reverse, turn, and spin in circles. Ozobots also can be coded using a computer. Students in 3rd grade drew a story map for the novel Poppy and then created a character costume for the Ozobot and then coded the bot to follow the story map as they retold the story.
Our drone coding lesson was connected to calculating perimeter and review of geometric shapes and angles. Students had to code the drone to fly a rectangle with a perimeter of 120 inches at a height of 30 inches. "Computer Science is an essential content area and we are happy to have our students starting early at Wide Hollow STEAM," says Principal Rick Ferguson.
Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary was recently awarded a grant from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for our Computer Science work. This is the fourth consecutive year that Wide Hollow has received such a grant. The OSPI grant pays for hardware, software, and training related to Computer Science. With the support of the West Valley School’s Foundation, our STEAM Lab was created and supplies were purchased, so students would have an amazing space and materials to use. Here are some photos of our students and their work with STEAM.

After a couple of unique school years, Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary is once again able to increase our focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math) education. Students have returned to the school’s STEAM Lab early and often this school year, and their enthusiasm for STEAM is evident. STEAM activities have ranged from hands-on coding using iPads and Osmos coding kits, owl pellet dissections with digital microscopes, Ozobot robotics coding, and coding drones!
Wide Hollow’s goal for STEAM is to connect Common Core Standards in ELA and Math to STEAM activities. The owl pellet dissection and Ozobot story re-tell activities were connected to the book Poppy the students were reading in class. Our Osmos kits have hands-on coding activities with manipulatives, but also hands-on programs for early learning skills of building letters, practicing phonics, and number formation, sequencing, and counting. Osmos uses a special camera developed for iPads that can read the building space where students are using manipulatives and then provide an audiovisual representation for the students.
Ozobots are small but powerful robots students can code drawing lines and color-coded sequences (algorithms) and the Ozobot follows the line and reads codes to make the robot speed up, slow down, reverse, turn, and spin in circles and also can be coded using a computer. Students in 3rd grade drew a story map for the novel Poppy and then created a character costume for the Ozobot and then coded the bot to follow the story map as they retold the story.
Our drone coding lesson was connected to calculating perimeter and review of geometric shapes and angles. Students had to code the drone to fly a rectangle with a perimeter of 120 inches at a height of 30 inches. "Computer Science is an essential content area and we are happy to have our students starting early at Wide Hollow STEAM" says Principal Rick Ferguson.
Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary was recently awarded a grant from OSPI for our Computer Science work. This is the fourth consecutive year, Wide Hollow has received such a grant. OSPI grant monies pays for hardware, software, and training related to Computer Science. With the support of the West Valley School’s Foundation, our STEAM Lab was created and supplies were purchased, so students would have an amazing space and materials to use with our students to participate in STEAM lessons. Here are a few pictures of the student work described in the aforementioned.