WVHS Marching Band takes 1st place
Oct 31, 2023
First Place in Division
The West Valley High School Marching Band took first place in their division at the 2023 Puget Sound Festival of Bands which was held in Everett, Washington on Saturday, October 28, 2023.
In the AA Division, West Valley was awarded many of the special awards including:
Class AA 1st Place
Class AA Best Percussion
Class AA Best Guard
Class AA Best Music
Class AA Best Visual
Class AA Best General Effect
In the evening, the overall competition matched bands of all sizes against each other. West Valley took third place overall. Special recognition was awarded to the Drum Majors for the West Valley Marching Band as they were awarded “Overall Best Drum Major” for the entire competition which included 12 marching bands from across the state.
The three drum majors this year were Sariah Dunston (Grade 12), Xinyi Wang (Grade 12), and Molly Richardson (Grade 11). Congratulations for this outstanding recognition at the 2023 Puget Sound Festival of Bands!