WVSD Named An Early Learning Model for the Nation
May 23, 2022
AASA, The School Superintendent Association, recently announced that 13 school districts have been recognized as “Lighthouse” systems that will serve as models of positive change in public education. West Valley School District was not only one of the 13 Districts, it was the only school system in the nation to be named as a "Lighthouse" for Early Learning. The Early Learning Cohort is a group of experts who work across the country to discover early learning best practices and research new trends in early learning. Last month, WVSD was visited by The School Superintendents Association (AASA) Early Learning Cohort. The Early Learning Cohort is a group of experts who work across the country to discover early learning best practices and research new trends in early learning.
We couldn’t be more proud of the recognition from AASA, and we at West Valley will continue to provide quality education so students have the skills and knowledge to succeed in life.
Learn more about early learning opportunities on our website: https://wvsd208.org/students-and-families/new-to-the-district/pre-k-and-kindergarten