Welcome to West Valley School District! Whether you are registering a new kindergarten student, or your older student is new to our District, we are happy to include you in our Ram family!

Elementary Grading
The West Valley School District is dedicated to educating and helping all students be successful. Children come to school at different stages of development and make progress at different rates. They grow and develop through a series of developmental stages while gaining social, emotional, academic, and physical abilities. Children cannot be hurried through these stages. Parents and teachers must work together to provide experiences at home and at school which support and encourage this process.
The assessment key below is used for all areas of the report card. Student performance will be reported to parents on a semester basis.
Performance Levels
4 - Above Standard: superior performance
3 - Meets Standard: solid performance
2 - Working Toward Standard: partial accomplishment
1 - Below Standard: little demonstration
0 - No Demonstration: no demonstration of progress
N/A - Not evaluated at this time
The reading section of the report card provides important information about student progress in different areas of reading, such as fluency and comprehension. Your child’s teacher uses multiple assessments to gather information about progress toward the standard. The teacher will share information about these assessments at parent/teacher conferences.
The student:
- understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.
- understands the meaning of what is read.
- reads different materials for a variety of purposes.
- sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.
The writing section of the report card provides information about your child as a writer, including your student's ability to use the writing process and to write clearly and effectively. This includes the student's abilities to develop content, organization, and style as well as your student's progress in the area of conventions, such as spelling and grammar.
The student:
- writes clearly and effectively.
- writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.
- understands and uses the steps of the writing process.
- analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.
The mathematics section of the report card provides information on student performance in math content that is expected at each grade level. In addition, student achievement of core processes is assessed. Core processes in math include reasoning, problem solving, and communications.
The student:
- demonstrates understanding of core content.
- demonstrates core processes (reasoning,
- problem solving, and communication).
Citizenship and other content areas, such as health and fitness, science, social studies, and music are also reported on the report card.
A positive relationship between home and school is an important key to student success. Please feel free to contact your student's teacher for more information about your student's progress!