Welcome to West Valley School District!

Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten
Early Learning Opportunities
We are excited to provide Early Learning programming options for qualifying three and four year old learners for the 2024-2025 school year!
Eligible students need to turn 3 or 4 on or before August 31, 2024. Other qualifications apply depending on the program.
If you are interested in program options for your child, please fill out the Early Learning Request form below. We will review your request and be in touch within a few days.
Early Learning Request form Click Here.
For other Early Learning options in the West Valley Community, please see our Official Partners list here.
The West Valley School District also offers a three year old preschool program option for students not currently enrolled in preschool who will turn three on or before August 31.
Transportation is available for students who qualify for special education services.
Priority for placement:
Do they reside in the West Valley School District? (in-district priority)
Is there the potential for the child to benefit from placement? (West Valley Kindergarten Readiness Checklist – screener)
Does the student qualify for special services? (disability)
Are they currently in a preschool or early learning setting? (opportunity gap)
Do they qualify for Free/Reduced meals? (income qualification)
Do they qualify for the Transitional Bilingual Education Program? (language gap)
Are they age-eligible for Preschool? (age qualification = 3 years old by Aug. 31)
The program provides a half-day, preschool experience at no cost to families.
Classrooms are located at Apple Valley and Cottonwood.
Preschool students who qualify will attend Apple Valley if their boundary school is Apple Valley, Ahtanum, Mountainview or Wide Hollow.
Preschool students who qualify will attend Cottonwood if their child's boundary school is Summitview or Cottonwood.
Transition Kindergarten
The West Valley School District also offers a Transitional Kindergarten option for students not currently enrolled in preschool who will turn four on or before August 31 and are expected to attend Kindergarten in the fall of the following year (Students who are five before August 31 are not eligible for Transitional Kindergarten).
Transportation is available for students who qualify for special education services.
The program provides a full-day, transition kindergarten experience at no cost to families. Classrooms are located at Apple Valley and Cottonwood Elementary and are for students who are in need of additional preparation in order to be successful in kindergarten.
Priority for placement:
Do they reside in the West Valley School District? (in-district priority)
Is there the potential for the child to benefit from placement? (West Valley Kindergarten Readiness Checklist – screener)
Does the student qualify for special services? (disability)
Are they currently in a preschool or early learning setting? (opportunity gap)
Do they qualify for Free/Reduced meals? (income qualification)
Do they qualify for the Transitional Bilingual Education Program? (language gap)
Are they age-eligible for Transitional Kindergarten? (age qualification = 4 years old by Aug. 31st)
Qualification for transitional kindergarten is determined through an interview process with the parent or guardian.
Transitional Kindergarten students who qualify will attend Cottonwood if their boundary school is Cottonwood or Summitview.
Transitional Kindergarten Students who qualify will attend Apple Valley if their child's boundary school is Apple Valley, Ahtanum, Mountainview or Wide Hollow.
Jose Pizano Ruiz - Family Engagement Specialist
Students turning five by August 31 are eligible for Kindergarten. WVSD Kindergarten programs are full-day programs. If you have concerns about your child’s readiness for kindergarten, please feel free to fill out and submit this Kindergarten readiness checklist and the District can help you determine if your child is ready for this step.
For information about Kindergarten registration, please Click Here