Between October 1 and November 29, 2024, students in all grade levels may be referred for possible identification of services in the Highly Capable Program by a parent, teacher, peer, community member, or themselves using an online form. A teacher, or other individual, may refer a student for identification, however parents/guardians must give permission for students to complete the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Those permission forms will be sent via email to the address(es) listed in Skyward by the end of December, and testing will occur in January. Please note that referred students may or may not be tested depending on a review of each student’s data.
The Highly Capable Program has a continuum and variety of services for students in grades K-12 (see below). Please note that Highly Capable identification is required for enrollment in the Program for Advanced Learners (PAL) for Grades 3-5, and Advanced Inquiry courses for Grades 6-8.
Program Coordinator is Wendy Clark. (509) 952-5700 ext 3746
Online referral form is available via this link: CLICK HERE
In accordance with state guidelines, students are referred, assessed, and selected to the Highly Capable Program based on their demonstrated achievement or potential ability in terms of general intellectual ability, academic aptitude, and creative or productive thinking.
The program is based on the following objectives:
Students who are highly capable may possess, but are not limited to, these learning characteristics:
Some students identified as Highly Capable are served at the elementary schools in their general education classroom as part of the “Benchmark and Beyond” program. These services include opportunities for students to participate in differentiated and enhanced instruction by their classroom teacher designed to meet areas of strength. For more information about Benchmark and Beyond at your child’s school, contact that building’s principal.
Some identified students will be offered full-time Highly Capable services through the self-contained Program for Advanced Learners (PAL) at Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary. This program serves grades 3-5 with teachers that have been trained to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of highly capable students. It includes project-based learning, advanced pacing, and advanced curriculum. For more information about PAL, contact the Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary principal, teachers, or program coordinator.
Beginning in 6th grade, all students will have options for enrichment and individual choice through electives. Please note that some electives are only offered at certain times of the day, which may conflict with other advanced options.
Some students will be served through personalized learning at the Innovation Center. Students will have the opportunity each year to apply and interview for this unique program. This new opportunity allows students to work at an advanced pace in a hands-on environment in a variety of programming options. For more information, contact the Director of the Innovation Center, Jed Watters.
At grades 9-12, options for services vary depending on the needs and interests of each student and includes a wider array of enrichment opportunities and electives. Students may be served through Honors courses, Advanced Placement (AP) options, College in the High School (CHS) offerings, and/or Running Start. There are a variety of pathways for students to explore. For more information about the advanced options at the secondary level, contact one of the high school counselors.
A student may be exited from the program at the request of a parent or based upon the recommendation of a multidisciplinary team comprised of an administrator, teacher, psychologist, and the student’s parent(s). Efforts will be made to determine why the student no longer appears to be engaged in or need advanced or accelerated instruction. Reevaluation and retesting may be requested, and the decision of the multidisciplinary team is final.
Written parent permission must be obtained prior to placing a student in the highly capable program or beginning highly capable services. This is in addition to the written permission collected in order to test a student.
Once in program, your child will not need to be referred or retested in order to remain in the program, with the following exceptions:
Students that have qualified at a Level 1 who wish to be reconsidered for Level 2 services in all subject areas
Students that have qualified at a Level 2 who wish to be reconsidered for Level 3 services
Student has been exited from program and wishes to re-enter
A reevaluation has been requested as part of the exit procedures (see above)
West Valley School District, in compliance with Washington State rules for Highly Capable Programs (WAC 392-170-076), has an appeals process. If a parent/guardian does not agree with the final eligibility decision and wishes to appeal, they are asked to submit a detailed written explanation regarding why an appeal is being filed. Appeals are reviewed and considered by the district's Multidisciplinary Selection Committee (MSC). The MSC is chaired by the Highly Capable Program Coordinator as a designee of the Superintendent. The MSC's final decision will be sent by mail to the parent/guardian submitting the appeal.
Appeals will only be considered for the following reasons:
Appeal forms are mailed with the notification of score results letter. The deadline for submission of appeals is ten (10) business days from the date of the notification of score results letter.
For more information about the Highly Capable program, or if you have a transfer student you would like to be considered for the Highly Capable Program, please contact:
Wendy Clark - Highly Capable Program Coordinator