West Valley School District offers a number of programs to help children and families find the tools they need to succeed.

Homeless Programs
Students and Families Experiencing Homelessness (McKinney-Vento)
Washington receives funding each year from the U.S. Department of Education and the Washington State Legislature to support the education of homeless students in school programs. Funding is distributed to LEAs through a competitive grant process. OSPI, as the state educational agency, designates a statewide Education of Homeless Children and Youth Coordinator and a Homeless Student Stability Program Supervisor to provide training and technical assistance, review and create policies and procedures, monitor LEAs for program compliance, provide dispute resolution procedures, to ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness are able to attend and fully participate in school.
The answers to the following document can help determine the services students may be eligible to receive under the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435. The McKinney-Vento Act provides services and supports for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
District McKinney-Vento Contacts
Jerilyn Ashbaugh - State and Federal Programs Director
Jill (Lisa) Hendricks - Student and Family Engagement Liaison Parapro
Frequently Asked Questions
People experiencing homelessness are not a static group; homelessness is a .revolving-door phenomenon. It is estimated that, over the course of a year, between 2.3 and 3.5 million people will experience homelessness, of which between 900,000 and 1.4 million will be children.
The main cause of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing. While this lack alone is often enough to cause homelessness, when combined with other factors such as low wages, unemployment, domestic violence, illness, mental health issues, and addiction, the risk of experiencing homelessness increases dramatically. Unaccompanied youth are youth not in the physical custody of a parent of guardian. The primary causes of homelessness among unaccompanied youth are physical or sexual abuse by a parent or guardian, neglect, parental substance abuse, and family conflict
Many people view homelessness as a fringe issue, affecting only “certain kinds of people” on the edges of society. This view does not reflect the changing demographics of homelessness in the United States , including a steady rise in homelessness among families with children. Consider the following questions:
- Could you ever experience a flood, fire, tornado, or other natural disaster?
- Do you work in an area of the economy where your job might become obsolete?
- Could you ever suffer from a long-term illness or accident without proper health benefits or other compensations?
- Do you live in a household with only one full-time wage earner?
- Are you behind on any monthly bills?
- Are housing costs in your area increasing faster than wages?
- Does anyone in your family struggle with addiction or mental illness?
- Could you ever face extreme financial difficulty without family or close friends available to come to your aid?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are not immune to homelessness. These questions are not meant to create alarm, but rather to spread awareness that people experiencing homelessness are people just like us. They desire financial stability and a secure home, but have confronted difficult circumstances without sufficient resources to overcome the situation and remain housed.
Children experiencing homelessness face great challenges. High mobility, precarious living conditions, and poverty combine to present significant educational, health and emotional difficulties. Consider this:
- At least 20% of homeless children do not attend school.
- Within a year, 41% of homeless children will attend two different schools;
- 28% of homeless children will attend three or more different schools.
- With each change in schools, a student is set back academically by an average of four to six months.
- Children experiencing homelessness often feel like outsiders and have difficulty maintaining friendships due to frequent moves. Their lives feel out of control, and they often experience anxiety and depression as a result.
- Many homeless children lack basic school supplies and a reasonable environment in which to do homework.
- Unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness confront these and other challenges associated with homelessness without the support and guidance of a caring adult.
Homeless children are truly among our nation’s neediest and most at risk.
Children experiencing homelessness face great challenges. High mobility, precarious living conditions, and poverty combine to present significant educational, health and emotional difficulties. Consider this:
- At least 20% of homeless children do not attend school.
- Within a year, 41% of homeless children will attend two different schools;
- 28% of homeless children will attend three or more different schools.
- With each change in schools, a student is set back academically by an average of four to six months.
- Children experiencing homelessness often feel like outsiders and have difficulty maintaining friendships due to frequent moves. Their lives feel out of control, and they often experience anxiety and depression as a result.
- Many homeless children lack basic school supplies and a reasonable environment in which to do homework.
- Unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness confront these and other challenges associated with homelessness without the support and guidance of a caring adult.
Homeless children are truly among our nation’s neediest and most at risk.
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Learn more about Mckinney-Vento from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website.